Play: "I've Been Working on the Railroad"
Today's Date/Time:
The Club was founded in March 1993 (in Alamogordo, NM) by three N-Scale enthusiasts who wanted to be able to share their love of the hobby as a nonprofit group. The name (ANTS) was chosen because it was felt that if you're going to be a bug, be one that goes to picnics. With 4 corner modules and only 3 members, the original lay out was something to see. The club has grown since it's inception and visiting any of our setups you'll be able to note a variety of ideas the members have used to do the scenery on their modules. The main requirement for membership is a desire to model N Scale trains.
The club built a train layout for the Alamogordo and Otero County Centennial. It depicts the route going to Cloudcroft from Alamogordo. This layout shows how difficult it could be to get from Alamogordo and Cloudcroft. We have donated this layout to the Sacramento Mountains Historical Society. They are located in Cloudcroft, New Mexico and the layout can be viewed there.
Click here to view our simple rules.
For more information please contact the President Don
Francis or the Vice President Velmo
Holm . The ANTS mailing address is: 24 Goodyear Dr.; Alamogordo, New Mexico
88310. Meetings are normally the first Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM, at The Toy Train Depot, located
at the north end of Alameda Park. We
are interested in promoting the hobby of model railroading. We welcome new members
and can also advise Scouts on model railroading badges. For further information
Web Page Maintained by Jack Kern
ANTS LOGO Produced by Darren Hensley (Former ANTS Member)
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ANTS Banner Graphic Created by using
ANT say's, " Click me for links to other model railroad and other interesting